Cat.No: 283467 [Partisan Party archive of publications and internal documents]
[Partisan Party archive of publications and internal documents]
[Partisan Party archive of publications and internal documents]
[Partisan Party archive of publications and internal documents]
[Partisan Party archive of publications and internal documents]

[Partisan Party archive of publications and internal documents]

Vancouver: Partisan Party, 1971-1972. The Party emerged from the Vancouver Liberation Front in 1971, becoming an explicitly Marxist-Leninist organization. By November 1972, some of its leaders decided to merge with the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), and the Partisan Party was dissolved. This archive was preserved by David Jette, who played a leading role in the group (and later felt embarassed for his role in pushing the Party into the CPC-ML). It includes a complete run of the group's newspaper, The Partisan (13 issues and three supplements), and a neatly organized file of internal documents, 8 linear inches. These files include handwritten central committee minutes, extensive correspondence, material on relations with other organizations (including enemies such as the Youngbloods, accused of stealing a mimeograph machine and printing supplies), and documentation of the group's formation and dissolution, together with some retrospective assessments by members. An interesting overview from beginning to end of one of Canada's short-lived Marxist-Leninist groups of the 1970s. We would be happy to address furhter inquiries about specific contents.

Cat.No: 283467

Price: $1,000.00