Cat.No: 205564 Chant impérial russe. Hymne. Paroles françaises et russes de Lwoff. Alexei Fyodorovich Lvov.
Chant impérial russe. Hymne. Paroles françaises et russes de Lwoff

Chant impérial russe. Hymne. Paroles françaises et russes de Lwoff

Paris: L. Labbé, n.d. Sheet_music. Four-panel sheet music, with lyrics in French and transliterated Russian, cover design depicting two sailors (a French and a Russian) flourishing crossed flags. Rear panel lightly soiled. Horizontal crease not evident from front. OCLC lists a holding as 1891, but this example has no date.

Cat.No: 205564

Price: $35.00