Cat.No: 195494 The Call: organ of the Communist Party (Menshevik-Liberal). Vol. 1 no. 1. Special Washington's Birthday issue. Revolutionary Communist Party.

The Call: organ of the Communist Party (Menshevik-Liberal). Vol. 1 no. 1. Special Washington's Birthday issue

n.p. [Revolutionary Communist Party], 1979. Newsletter. 4p. tabloid-format parody newspaper mocking the CP(M-L)'s pro-Deng Xiaoping line and other aspects of its program. Paper evenly toned, horizontal fold, otherwise very good.

"Michael Klownsky" is credited with headline story, "Great Wrong Righted: Dalai Lama's Triumphant Return to Tibet," and he is depicted as a chimpanzee meeting with Hua Guofeng in China. Other articles include "Deng on Achievements of Modernization in U. S., Black Belt South," "'Learn from Yugoslavia' Movement Deepens in China" and more. An advertisement offers a one year subscription to the Call for a dollar, or for three dollars you can have the opportunity to avoid reading it for six months.

Cat.No: 195494

Price: $17.00